Keeping it Moving: Where Finance Professionals are Willing to Relocate

Our recent Job Confidence Index explored the sentiments of nearly 400 financial services professionals across the US. One interesting finding revealed that 75% of respondents are willing to relocate for work, but the majority willing to relocate prefer to stay within their region.

"While candidates are still coming to the major hubs like NYC and Boston in the North East, they are now looking to live in less densely populated areas outside of the cities, such as New Jersey and Long Island. The focus now for many of those relocating is having ample work-from-home space rather than caring too much about proximity to the office or a short commute."

- Kareem Bakr, Executive Director โ€“ Head of Selby Jennings New York

The Job Confidence Index takes a deep dive into the minds of financial services professionals, sharing detailed findings on relocation, as well as further insights on their market confidencejob security, professional motivations, compensation and more.

Submit your details to download the USA focused report:



To explore more regional differences between the United States, Europe and Asia Pacific, view the
Global Job Confidence Index.


  • Job Confidence Index 2020 Covers:

โ€ข Economic Outlook

โ€ข Outlook on Job Market & Job Security

โ€ข Compensation and bonuses

โ€ข Job Satisfaction

โ€ข Motivational Factors

โ€ข Willingness to Relocate