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Buy-Side Risk & Analytics Recruitment Market Update

Posted on March 2021

Image 2021 03 18 T18 35 06

Looking forward in 2021, the Selby Jennings Risk Management Recruitment team believes that both the interview and onboarding processes for talent will remain consistent with what has been seen in the last 12 months. In particular, the biggest challenges that clients are anticipated to face navigating talent acquisition this year are not related the virtual work environment; instead, the focus is on the ability to attract and secure senior talent. Risk teams will focus on offering opportunities worth moving for during a pandemic. and upskilling junior talent on virtual platforms quickly.

Our new Market Update will cover topics around Buy-Side Risk & Analytics recruitment trends, including:

  • The Status of Remote Work Vs. On-Site Work Across the Buy-Side Risk Market

  • Expected recruitment trends for the rest of 2021

  • Top skillsets in demand across buy-side risk

  • Bonus pool changes from 2019-2020

  • Delegating work in a remote capacity

  • Tips for job seekers in todayโ€™s marketโ€‹

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