December 2024

The Status Quo of Sales & Trading in Europe

Sales & TradingHiring AdvicePeople StrategyCareer Advice
The Status Quo Of Sales And Trading In Europe

With a volatile political environment and anticipated interest rate cuts, 2024 is expected to see sustained demand for firms aiming to maximize their expertise in managing investments and hedging client exposure. This will drive a need for more experienced hires. While sales & trading—particularly in commodities—has faced challenges, there are still ample opportunities across the continent, especially in emerging asset classes like Quantitative Investment Strategies (QIS) and structured credit.

Regardless of market conditions, revenue-generating units require talent to develop new income streams and secure core business lines, creating ongoing competition for top-tier talent capable of adding value.

Hiring in sales & trading

Firms must differentiate between “must-hires” and “nice-to-have hires” based on their strategic goals. To eliminate ambiguity around “must-hires,” it’s important to clearly define required experience versus what is merely desirable. Doing so will save both time and money. Employers should offer a compelling value proposition beyond financial rewards and emphasize specific strengths during recruitment to avoid candidates comparing offers solely on compensation.

Sales & trading opportunities

When considering career opportunities, it’s critical for professionals to keep an open mind—even if they’re not immediately committed to accepting. There may be underlying factors worth exploring. Given the shifting institutional landscape in recent years, it’s important to evaluate individual opportunities and firms without bias, as significant changes may have occurred.

The future of financial services in Europe

Learn more about the sales & trading landscape in Europe for 2024 in our latest report, The Future of Financial Services in Europe. In this report, experts from Selby Jennings provide insights into the hiring landscape across key financial services sectors, offering guidance to help organizations tackle the most pressing challenges facing business leaders today.

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