August 2024

The Current State of Quants Recruitment in Europe

Quantitative Analytics, Research & TradingOn DemandHiring Advice
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There’s a consistent demand for professionals in quantitative analytics, research & trading across Europe’s financial sciences & services industry. Requirements for professionals across front and back office, covering the entire lifecycle from coding and validation to derivative pricing and automating functions, is astronomically high.

Matt Rooney, Associate Director - Head of Quantitative Analytics, Research and Trading at Selby Jennings, and Konza Akhtar, Associate Vice President Quants at Selby Jennings, met to discuss the latest quant recruitment trends in Europe, including current hot spots, the impact of technology trends, and candidate expectations when looking for a new role.

Why watch this exclusive interview?

  • Gain insights into the state of recruitment in quantitative analytics, research & trading in Europe
  • Find out where hedge funds and prop shops are opening up new offices and what the current hot spots are for quant professionals in Europe and beyond
  • Learn more about the impact of the latest technologies on the recruitment process and the quants sector as a whole
  • Gain an understanding of the type of talent that is in high demand and the challenges companies are facing in attracting top talent
  • Insights into candidate expectations when it comes to considering and choosing a new career opportunity
  • Find out what support Selby Jennings offers candidates and clients during a relocation process
While it has been a year of consolidation for investment banks, it has been a very busy year for funds and prop shops as they look to take advantage of the current market conditions. One of the hot topics in the space has been the diversification of strategies and locations - a theme we expect to continue having lots of conversations around at QuantMinds International this year.

Matt Rooney

Technological advances continue to have a significant impact in the quant investing world, both positive and negatively, from being able to effectively analyse financial news using LLMs, to challenges being posed in interviewing processes/HackerRank tests as a result of ChatGPT.

Konza Akhtar

Watch the video

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